Mentoring Minutes

Mentoring Minutes: Elbow Stiffness

References & Notes

Filh GM, Galvão MV. POST-TRAUMATIC STIFFNESS OF THE ELBOW. Revista Brasileira de Ortopedia. 2010;45(4):347-354. doi:10.1016/S2255-4971(15)30380-3.

- stiff elbows presented a thin capsule with a disorganized collagen matrix, increased inflammatory cytokine levels and fibroblastic infiltration, thus characterizing a fibrotic and inflammatory condition

- combination of loss of extension associated with loss of forearm supination represents a severe limitation on certain activities 

- functional arc of the elbow is defined as a range of flexion-extension motion of 30° to 130° and pronosupination of 50° to –50. (10)On the other hand, loss of 50% of the mobility of the elbow represents a functional loss of 80% of limb function. Likewise, contracture of flexion greater than 45° gives rise to severe dysfunction regarding the capacity to position the hand in space

-treatment: mobs, stretches, and splints

Wilk KE, Macrina LC, Cain EL, Dugas JR, Andrews JR. Rehabilitation of the Overhead Athlete’s Elbow. Sports Health. 2012;4(5):404-414. doi:10.1177/1941738112455006.

- if the patient continues to have difficulty achieving full extension using ROM and mobilization techniques, a low-load, long-duration (LLLD) stretch may be performed to produce a deformation (creep) of the collagen tissue, resulting in tissue elongation.

- The patient lies supine with a towel roll or a foam pad placed under the distal brachium to act as a cushion and fulcrum. Light-resistance exercise tubing is applied to the wrist of the patient and secured to the table or a dumbbell on the ground (Figure 1). The patient is instructed to relax as much as possible for 10 to 15 minutes per treatment. The resistance applied should enable the patient to stretch for the entire duration without pain or muscle spasm. This technique is intended to impart a low load during a long-duration stretch. Patients are instructed to perform the LLLD stretches several times per day, totaling at least 60 minutes of total end range time. We typically recommend a 15-minute stretch, 4 times per day. This program has been referred to as a TERT program (total end range time)

- Open pack:

            - HU joint: 70 deg flexion, 10 deg supination

                        - Distraction treatment

            - HJ joint: Full ext and supination

                        -Radial treaction treatment

                        - Post glide for ext

                        - Ant glide for flexion

            - PRU joint: 70 deg flexion, 35 deg supination

                        - post glide for pronation

                        - Ant glide for supination

A prospective randomized control Trial of dynamic versus static progressive elbow splinting for posttraumatic elbow stiffness. JBJS. 2012:94 694-700

Mentoring Minutes: Total Hip Replacement

Welcome to PhysioU’s Mentoring Minutes! Each episode of Mentoring Minutes directly applies a clinical approach with relevant research for effective results.

 Studies show that patients who have had a total hip replacement have a higher risk for low back pain one year after the surgery.  Why is this the case for total hip replacements and not total knee replacements?  In today’s episode of Mentoring Minutes, Dr. Marshall Lemoine will be discussing different strategies to help regain patient function after total hip replacement surgery!

Thank you for watching!  

The newest Mentoring Minutes get posted on Facebook every Monday.  If you are not on Facebook, you can find most of our videos on YouTube.  See you next week!

Mentoring Minutes: Achilles Tendinopathies

Notes & References

-       wrong use vs over use  - Not every tendon problem is the same; location matters

o   Midsubstance- Most common: associated with over/wrong use; treat with load and reload;

-Most common (have ICF guidelines); goal is to stiffen it (so isometrics/eccentrics verse stretches)

-Can use tape, soft tissue, heel lifts, some modalities, all can help with pain (for the itis), but do not reload tendon, needed for Osis treatment

-Treatment: slow and controlled, involving cognition (think about it), need to exceed elongation than during walking (on step); high volume required, and overload it;

- Progression from flat ground to step to adding weight

- Goal with treatment is to make tendon more organized, thinner, faster reaction time;

-Palpation: if very localized, may more degeneration/thickening, verse entire tendon than more related to inflammation;  

o   Tenosseous junction (insertional)- associated with collagen disease, wide age range- teat surgery, casting, shockwave; Avoid resistive exercises, more to rest and boot/immobilize

-Running technique/skill training (change how they load the foot/calcaneus);

- Look at rear foot and mid foot mechanics.

Muscle Tendinous Junction: associated with immobilization (deprived loading); treat with progressive reloading- more rare, often inflammatory and need rest first

Sports Med. 2012 Nov 1;42(11):941-67. doi: 10.2165/11635410-000000000-00000.

Conservative management of midportion Achilles tendinopathy: a mixed methods study, integrating systematic review and clinical reasoning.

Rowe V1, Hemmings S, Barton C, Malliaras P, Maffulli N, Morrissey D.


- Evidence was strong for eccentric loading exercises and extracorporeal shockwave therapy; moderate for splinting/bracing, active rest, low-level laser therapy and concentric exercises (i.e. inferior to eccentric exercise). In-shoe foot orthoses and therapeutic ultrasound had limited evidence.

J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2015 Nov;45(11):876-86. doi: 10.2519/jospt.2015.5885. Epub 2015 Sep 21.

A Proposed Return-to-Sport Program for Patients With Midportion Achilles Tendinopathy: Rationale and Implementation.

Silbernagel KG, Crossley KM.

Mid protion; 2-6 cm proximal to insertion (55-65%)

Eccentric protocol: 15x3, knee straight and 15x 3 knee bent; 2x a day, 7 days, no more than 5/10 during and after next day, slowly add load.

Return to sport: 3x15 with weight off step SL heel raises; 3x15 eccentric off step with weight, and 3x20 quick rebounding heel raises - 3 days recovery - need to load heavy, and speed

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Clin J Sport Med. 2009 Jan;19(1):54-64. doi: 10.1097/JSM.0b013e31818ef090.

Nonoperative treatment of midportion Achilles tendinopathy: a systematic review.

Magnussen RA1, Dunn WR, Thomson AB.

Eccentric exercises have the most evidence of effectiveness in treatment of midportion Achilles tendinopathy.


Sports Med. 2013 Apr;43(4):267-86. doi: 10.1007/s40279-013-0019-z.

Achilles and patellar tendinopathy loading programmes : a systematic review comparing clinical outcomes and identifying potential mechanisms for effectiveness.

Malliaras P1, Barton CJ, Reeves ND, Langberg H.

  • CONCLUSION: There is little clinical or mechanistic evidence for isolating the eccentric component,
  • Concentric- eccentric loading better (3 sec up, 3 sec down)- time under tension-  3 sets of 10-20, enough load to be painful in third set

J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2016 Aug;46(8):664-72. doi: 10.2519/jospt.2016.6494. Epub 2016 May 12.

Patellofemoral Joint and Achilles Tendon Loads During Overground and Treadmill Running.

Willy RW, Halsey L, Hayek A, Johnson H, Willson JD.

  • Treadmill running resulted in greater achilles tendon loading compared with overground running ; peak concentric ankle power greater with Treadmill runnning


Am J Sports Med. 2015 Jul;43(7):1704-11. doi: 10.1177/0363546515584760. Epub 2015 May 27.

Heavy Slow Resistance Versus Eccentric Training as Treatment for Achilles Tendinopathy: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

Beyer R1, Kongsgaard M2, Hougs Kjær B3, Øhlenschlæger T2, Kjær M2, Magnusson SP4.

  • chronic  mid portion achilles tendinopathy;
  • eccentric training 3x15 7x week, 12 weeks vs: Heavy slow resitance 3x week, knee flexed seated, and knee extended standing (15 rep max to 6 rep max);
  • sports allowed if < 3; 4-5/10 while training if subsides next session
  • Both groups: improved pain, and sports assessments, reduction in tendon thickness and neovascularization
  • Patient satisfaction > in heavy slow resistnace group (96 vs 76%), with higher compliance (96% vs 76%))

Mentoring Minutes: Ankle Sprains


Injury. 2016 Nov;47(11):2565-2569. doi: 10.1016/j.injury.2016.09.016. Epub 2016 Sep 9.

Factors associated with pain intensity and physical limitations after lateral ankle sprains.

Briet JP1, Houwert RM2, Hageman MG3, Hietbrink F4, Ring DC5, Verleisdonk EJ6.

Swelling, tenderness, and ecchymosis don't correlate with time to functional recovery in patients with a lateral ankle sprain. It is established that psychosocial factors such as symptoms of depression and low pain self-efficacy correlate with pain intensity and magnitude of limitations in patients with musculoskeletal disorders.


We studied the correlation between pain self-efficacy or symptoms of depression and (1) ankle specific limitations and (2) pain intensity in patients with a lateral ankle sprain. Further we explored the correlation between estimation of sprain severity (grade) and (3) pain intensity or magnitude of ankle specific limitations.


Eighty-four patients with a lateral ankle sprain prospectively completed the Pain Self Efficacy Questionnaire, the Olerud Molander Ankle Score, Ordinal scale of Pain and the Patient Health Questionnaire-2 at enrollment and the Olerud Molander Ankle Score and the Ordinal scale of Pain three weeks after the injury. Factors associated with higher ankle specific limitations and symptoms were investigated in bivariable and multivariable analysis.


When accounting for confounding factors, greater self-efficacy (p=0.01) and older age (p<0.01) were significantly associated with greater ankle specific symptoms and limitations three weeks after the injury and explained 22% of the variability in ankle specific limitations and symptoms. There was no correlation between the grade of the sprain and pain intensity or ankle specific limitations or symptoms.


Psychosocial factors (adaptiveness in response to pain in particular) explain more of the variation in symptoms and limitations after ankle sprain than the degree of pathophysiology. The influence of adaptive illness descriptions and recovery strategies based on methods for improving self-efficacy (i.e. cognitive behavioral therapy) might enhance and speed recovery from ankle injuries and merit additional investigation.

-Higher self efficacy and younger age significantly associated with better ankle specific symptoms and limitations

- Lower pain intensity correlated with a greater self efficacy and younger age 3 weeks post injury

- Grade of sprain did not correlate with ankle specific symptoms and limitations or pain intensity 3 weeks post injury.


Br J Sports Med. 2013 Jul;47(10):620-8. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2012-091702. Epub 2012 Dec 6.

Diagnostic accuracy of clinical tests for diagnosis of ankle syndesmosis injury: a systematic review.

Sman AD1, Hiller CERefshauge KM.

To determine the value of clinical tests for accurate diagnosis of ankle syndesmosis injury.


Systematic review.


An electronic database search was conducted (to 6 August 2012) of databases such as: MEDLINE, CINAHL, EMBASE, PubMed and Cochrane Databases. References from identified articles were examined and seven authors of eligible studies were contacted for additional information.


Studies of any design, without language restriction, were included; however, systematic reviews were excluded. Eligible studies included participants with a suspected ankle syndesmosis injury but without fracture. Reliability studies compared one or more clinical tests and studies of test accuracy compared the clinical test with a reference standard.


The database search resulted in 114 full text articles which were assessed for eligibility. Three studies were included in the review and raw data of these studies were retrieved after contacting the authors. Eight clinical diagnostic tests were investigated; palpation of the tibiofibular ligaments, external rotation stress test, squeeze, Cotton, fibula translation, dorsiflexion range of motion (ROM) and anterior drawer tests. Two studies investigated diagnostic accuracy and both investigated the squeeze test by with conflicting results. Likelihood ratios (LR) ranging from LR+1.50 to LR-1.50 were found for other tests. High intra-rater reliability was found for the squeeze, Cotton, dorsiflexion ROM and external rotation tests (83-100% close agreement). Inter-rater reliability was good for the external rotation test (ICC2,1>0.70). Fair-to-poor reliability was found for other tests.


This is the first systematic review to investigate the reliability and accuracy of clinical tests for the diagnosis of ankle syndesmosis injury. Few studies were identified and our findings show that clinicians cannot rely on a single test to identify ankle syndesmosis injury with certainty. Additional diagnostic tests, such as MRI, should be considered before making a final diagnosis of syndesmosis injury.

- Highest Sensitivity: inability to perform SL hop 89%; Syndesmosis lig tenderness (92%)

-Highest specificity: pain out of proportion (79%); Squeeze test (88%)

- Syndesmosis injury4x more  likely to be present with positive syndesmosis lig tenderness and/or DF/ER stress test


Prediction of Lateral Ankle Sprains in Football Players Based on Clinical Tests and Body Mass Index

Phillip A. Gribble, PhD, ATC, FNATA*Masafumi Terada, PhD, ATC, Megan Q. Beard, PhD, ATC, ...

- Ant direction reach most related to recurrent ankle sprains


Simplifying the Star Excursion Balance Test: Analyses of Subjects With and Without Chronic Ankle Instability

Authors: Jay Hertel, PhD, ATC1Rebecca A. Braham, PhD2Sheri A. Hale, PT, PhD, ATC3Lauren C. Olmsted-Kramer, PhD, ATC4

- Conclusions

The posteromedial component of the SEBT is highly representative of the performance of all 8 components of the test in limbs with and without CAI.


Br J Sports Med. 2014 Mar;48(5):365-70. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2013-092763. Epub 2013 Aug 26.

The efficacy of manual joint mobilisation/manipulation in treatment of lateral ankle sprains: a systematic review.

Loudon JK1, Reiman MPSylvain J.

L ateral ankle sprains are common and can have detrimental consequences to the athlete. Joint mobilisation/manipulation may limit these outcomes.


Systematically summarise the effectiveness of manual joint techniques in treatment of lateral ankle sprains.


This review employed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. A computer-assisted literature search of MEDLINE, CINHAL, EMBASE, OVID and Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) (January 1966 to March 2013) was used with the following keywords alone and in combination 'ankle', 'sprain', 'injuries', 'lateral', 'manual therapy', and 'joint mobilisation'. The methodological quality of individual studies was assessed using the PEDro scale.


After screening of titles, abstracts and full articles, eight articles were kept for examination. Three articles achieved a score of 10 of 11 total points; one achieved a score of 9; two articles scored 8; one article scored a 7 and the remaining article scored a 5. Three articles examined joint techniques for acute sprains and the remainder examined subacute/chronic ankle sprains. Outcome measures included were pain level, ankle range of motion, swelling, functional score, stabilometry and gait parameters. The majority of the articles only assessed these outcome measures immediately after treatment. No detrimental effects from the joint techniques were revealed in any of the studies reviewed.


For acute ankle sprains, manual joint mobilisation diminished pain and increased dorsiflexion range of motion. For treatment of subacute/chronic lateral ankle sprains, these techniques improved ankle range-of-motion, decreased pain and improved function.

Mentoring Minutes: Knee Osteoarthritis


Knee Joint Contact Mechanics during Downhill Gait and its Relationship with Varus/Valgus Motion and Muscle Strength in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis

Shawn Farrokhi, PT, Ph.D., DPT,1 Carrie A. Voycheck, Ph.D.,2 Jonathan A. Gustafson, B.S.,3 G. Kelley Fitzgerald, PT, Ph.D.,4 and  Scott Tashman, Ph.D.5

- The objective of this exploratory study was to evaluate tibiofemoral joint contact point excursions and velocities during downhill gait and assess the relationship between tibiofemoral joint contact mechanics with frontal-plane knee joint motion and lower extremity muscle weakness in patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA).

- patients with knee OA demonstrated significantly increased frontal-plane varus motion excursions (p<0.01) and greater quadriceps and hip abductor muscle weakness

Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2011 Aug; 26(7): 741–748. 

Published online 2011 Apr 21. doi:  10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2011.03.006

Effects of Progressive Resistance Strength Training on Knee Biomechanics During Single Leg Step-up in Persons with Mild Knee Osteoarthritis

Kevin James McQuade, PhD and  Anamaria Siriani de Oliveira, PhD

- Subjects participated in an individually supervised training program 3 times a week for eight weeks consisting of progressive resistive exercises for knee extensors and knee flexors. Pre and post training outcome assessments included: 1. Net internal knee joint moments, 2. Electromyography of primary knee extensors and flexors, and 3. Self-report measures of knee pain and function. The distribution of lower extremity joint moments as a percent of the total support moment was also investigated.

- Pain, symptoms, activities of daily life, quality of life, stiffness, and function scores showed significant improvement following strength training. Knee internal valgus and hip internal rotation moments showed increasing but non-statistically significant changes post-training. There were no significant differences in muscle co-contraction activation of the Quadriceps and Hamstrings.

BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2013; 14: 266. Published online 2013 Sep 12. doi:  10.1186/1471-2474-14-266

Efficacy of strength and aerobic exercise on patient-reported outcomes and structural changes in patients with knee osteoarthritis: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Britt Elin Øiestad,1 Nina Østerås,2 Richard Frobell,3 Margreth Grotle,4 Helga Brøgger,5 and May Arna Risberg1,6

- strength training: 2-3x aweek, 12 weeks; 3 sets of 8-10 reps, 30 -60 sec rest breaks; 5 min warm up on bike

- first 2 weeks, focused on neuromuscular exercise with low intensity

- Quadriceps and hamstrings, hip abductors and extensors, and calf muscles.

- load increased when able to do 2 more reps

-Aerobic: main aim of the aerobic exercise is to improve cartilage quality, in addition to the general health effects physical activity gives. Both overloading and underloading may cause cartilage degradation, but moderate loading has been shown to be beneficial for joint health because of mechanosensitive chondroprotective pathways. Based on the moderate loading benefits, ergometer cycling for 45 minutes 2–3 times a week, including 10 minutes warm up, 30 minutes on moderate loading (75% of max heart rate) and 5 minutes cool down will be required. For instance, a patient with a maximal heart rate of 160 and rest heart rate of 60 will be required to cycle at a heart rate of about 135 using the formula for heart rate reserve (160-rest heart rate of 60 × 0.75 + rest heart rate of 60).


J Orthop Res. 2013 Jul;31(7):1020-5. doi: 10.1002/jor.22340. Epub  2013 Mar 12.

Six-week gait retraining program reduces knee adduction moment, reduces pain, and improves function for individuals with medial compartment knee osteoarthritis.

Shull PB1, Silder AShultz RDragoo JLBesier TFDelp SLCutkosky MR.

- 6-week gait retraining program on the knee adduction moment (KAM) and knee pain and function. subjects with medial compartment knee osteoarthritis and self-reported knee pain –

- WOMAC scores and a 10-point visual-analog pain scale score were measured at baseline, post-training (end of 6 weeks), and 1 month after training ended.

- Gait retraining reduced the first peak KAM by 20% post-training as a result of a 7° decrease in foot progression angle (i.e., increased internal foot rotation), compared to baseline

- WOMAC pain and function scores were improved at post-training by 29% and 32%, pain scale scores improved by two . Changes in WOMAC pain and function were approximately 75% larger than the expected placebo effect. Changes in KAM, foot progression angle, WOMAC pain and function, and visual-analog pain score were retained 1 month after the end of the 6-week training.


J Biomech. 2013 Jan 4;46(1):122-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2012.10.019. Epub 2012 Nov 10.

Toe-in gait reduces the first peak knee adduction moment in patients with medial compartment knee osteoarthritis.

Shull PB1, Shultz RSilder ADragoo JLBesier TFCutkosky MRDelp SL.

- The first peak of the knee adduction moment has been linked to the presence, severity, and progression of medial compartment kneeosteoarthritis. The objective of this study was to evaluate toe-in gait (decreased foot progression angle from baseline through internal foot rotation) as a means to reduce the first peak of the knee adduction moment in subjects with medial compartment knee osteoarthritis. Additionally, we examined whether the first peak in the knee adduction moment would cause a concomitant increase in the peak external knee flexion moment, which can eliminate reductions in the medial compartment force that result from lowering the knee adduction moment. We tested the following hypotheses: (a) toe-in gait reduces the first peak of the knee adduction moment, and (b) toe-in gait does not increase the peak external knee flexion moment. Twelve patients with medial compartment knee osteoarthritis first performed baseline walking trials and then toe-in gait trials at their self-selected speed on an instrumented treadmill in a motion capture laboratory. Subjects altered their foot progression angle from baseline to toe-in gait by an average of 5° (p<0.01), which reduced the first peak of the knee adduction moment by an average of 13% (p<0.01). Toe-in gait did not increase the peak external knee flexion moment (p=0.85). The reduced knee adduction moment was accompanied by a medially-shifted knee joint center and a laterally-shifted center of pressure during early stance. These results suggest that toe-in gait may be a promising non-surgical treatment for patients with medial compartment knee osteoarthritis.

J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2010 Jun;40(6):A1-A35. doi: 10.2519/jospt.2010.0304.

Knee pain and mobility impairments: meniscal and articular cartilage lesions.

Logerstedt DSSnyder-Mackler LRitter RCAxe MJOrthopedic Section of the American Physical Therapy Association.

J Man Manip Ther. 2010 Mar;18(1):29-36. doi: 10.1179/106698110X12595770849560.

The effect of tibio-femoral traction mobilization on passive knee flexion motion impairment and pain: a case series.

Maher S1, Creighton DKondratek MKrauss JQu X.

- The purpose of this case series was to explore the effects of tibio-femoral (TF) manual traction on pain and passive range of motion (PROM) in individuals with unilateral motion impairment and pain in knee flexion. Thirteen participants volunteered for the study. All participants received 6 minutes of TF traction mobilization applied at end-range passive knee flexion. PROM measurements were taken before the intervention and after 2, 4, and 6 minutes of TF joint traction. Pain was measured using a visual analog scale with the TF jointat rest, at end-range passive knee flexion, during the application of joint traction, and immediately post-treatment. There were significant differences in PROM after 2 and 4 minutes of traction, with no significance noted after 4 minutes. A significant change in knee flexion of 25.9°, which exceeded the MDC(95,) was found when comparing PROM measurements pre- to final intervention. While pain did not change significantly over time, pain levels did change significantly during each treatment session. Pain significantly increased when the participant's knee was passively flexed to end range; it was reduced, although not significantly, during traction mobilization; and it significantly decreased following traction. This case series supports TF joint traction as a means of stretching shortened articular and periarticular tissues without increasing reported levels of pain during or after treatment. In addition, this is the first study documenting the temporal aspects of treatment effectiveness in motion restoration.