Simplify E-Learning Integration in Your Classroom: A Guided Tour of the New Educator Dashboard

We are excited to announce the launch of the Educator Dashboard, designed exclusively for you. Join our Education Leads team for a guided tour of this powerful new tool, and learn how to assign modules and simulations to your students, seamlessly track their progress, and harness data-driven insights for course and program assessment. Whether you're a seasoned educator or just getting started, this session will highlight practical ways to ease your workload. Register now to secure your spot!

00:00 Chris Schmidt Introduction

00:40 Clinical Pattern Team Introduction

03:26 Webinar Overview

05:12 E-Learning and Simulation for Todays Learner

11:00 Suite Apps

13:02 Blooms Taxonomy

17:03 MicroLearning

17:38 MiniSIMs

23:08 Educator Resources

23:54 Educator Dashboard

52:10 Real World Classroom Application

45:50 Flip your Classroom

54:05 Upgrade your Class with the Educator Dashboard

59:10 Our Key Academic Drivers

59:57 Contact Us

Helpful Links: Complimentary Educator access | Educator resources | Set up a Demo