Training Load Progression (Return to Sport/Activity)

Difficulty knowing how much, how fast, or how soon to progress your patient’s? Whether you’re working with a high-level athlete or the average jane/joe understanding how to minimize injury risk while enhancing performance is key! Watch Dr. Jordan Cossin’s video below to learn more on today’s mentoring minutes!


  • 5 Ways to ensure patients are well prepared for demands

    1. Maintain adequate training load during offseason &/or while injured

      • Raises “floor”

      • Avoid “basement”

      • Improves athletes’ ability to tolerate load during pre-season & return to sport

    2. Identify ceiling & ensure training load is proportionate to competition

      • Need to know what the athlete is going back to

        • Wearable & video technologies

        • Sport-specific literature

    3. Assess individual difference in training tolerance

      • Age

      • Injury hx

      • Poor training hx

      • Musculoskeletal deficiencies

      • Strength deficits

      • Poor aerobic fitness

      • Psychosocial factors

    4. Identify & prepare for most demanding parts of the sport

      • Do not just train for average demands of competition, but prepare for the highest demand

        • If not may result in: inability to perform at higher intensities when needed, may be at greater risk of injury during these times

    5. Understanding of the physical demands of the sport, physical capacities required to perform activities, & factors that limit performance (individual)

      • Time to progress from “floor” to “ceiling”

      • Progressive, gradual, & systematic increases in training load 

“Floor”: patient/athlete’s current capacity“Ceiling”: capacity needed to perform specific task/sport“Time”: time allotted to get from floor to ceiling“Basement”: deconditioning/injury resulting in capacity below the “floor”“Penthouse”: capacity abov…

“Floor”: patient/athlete’s current capacity

“Ceiling”: capacity needed to perform specific task/sport

“Time”: time allotted to get from floor to ceiling

“Basement”: deconditioning/injury resulting in capacity below the “floor”

“Penthouse”: capacity above the need for specific task/sport


Gabbett, T. J. (2020). How much? How fast? How soon? Three simple concepts for progressing training loads to minimize injury risk and enhance performance. journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy50(10), 570-573.