Coronavirus in China and PhysioU (Chinese translations now available in PhysioU web apps!)

Three weeks ago, Dr. Yang Sun, PT. PhD. from the Shanghai University of Sport wrote us this email:

"Hi Michael,

I think you already got the news about the new coronavirus diseases in China. My family and I are good. But it is really changing our life here.

I just got a notification from my university today. The students can’t go back to school maybe until May. All the courses should be taught online before that. We are not the only one, this will be happened in all the Universities in China. 

So I think, Do we have any possible to launch at least the Chinese Version of CPR (Clinical Pattern Recognition App) ASAP in China? I think it will really help a lot people. Let me know your thoughts!!

Yours, Yang


Yang Sun, PT, PhD

Assistant Professor, Department of Physiotherapy and Sports Rehabilitation, Shanghai University of Sport

USC Orthopedic Physical Therapy Resident (2016-2017)

USC Spine Physical Therapy Fellowship (2017-2018)

The amazing effort and care that Chinese Faculty have for their students, in these times of trouble should be admired! The students I have met, and taught are eager, willing and bright. 

Your support of PhysioU has allowed us to pay translators to unlock the Clinical Practice Guidelines in our apps to enhance learning in this new "Hybrid" environment that our Chinese colleagues are now asked to teach in! 

The learning must go on! 

Each PhysioU subscriber can take pride in supporting the educational needs of many international groups, and in particular China!

Keep up the hard work! 加油!!!

China Physiotherapist, students and faculty! PhysioU salutes you!!

The PhysioU Team

*If you notice the Chinese characters currently shown in the app, it is because we have rushed to release the Chinese translations for our Chinese colleagues, our programmers are working around the clock to make it easy to show or hide the translation depending on who needs to see it!

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