

PhysioU is proud to announce our exciting new NeuroAnatomy App.

Intentionally designed with progressively more challenging activities, it provides opportunities for the learner to build a solid foundation of neuroanatomy for clinical practice. Beautiful graphics include an interactive 3D model of the brain and spinal cord, with actual human anatomical slices that are labeled with explanations.

Content expert Charlotte Chatto, PT, Ph.D., Board Certified Clinical Specialist in Neurologic Physical Therapy has had a passion for finding creative ways of teaching neuroanatomy and treating patients with neurologic conditions for over 30 years. 



  • In the four Neuroanatomy Explorer Challenges, each with multiple sections, practice questions cover basic concepts, structures, functions, and dysfunctions of the brain and spinal cord. Interactive Mini-Games are incorporated into the Challenges to reward the learner with fun facts about the nervous system. 

  • In Learn by Slice, the learner can choose a slice of the brain or spinal cord and explore the major structures on the slice by clicking on anatomical pins to reveal explanations. 

  • In Learn by Tract, the learner can understand connections between anatomical structures, through short explainer videos, overview images, and clickable structures, to reveal the location and function of major motor and sensory tracts.


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